The Sacred Ruins Wiki

Chu Feng is the main character of The Sacred Ruins(圣墟).


In the beginning, he was a man of a tall and strong build and possessed excellent stamina. He had dark hair and a handsome face.

After he broke through the shackled realm, he had long hair and his whole body went through astonishing changes, appearing increasingly crystalline and luminescent.

After breaking through into the carefree realm, Chu Feng's hair grew to waist-length.

After consuming the Diety Elixir, his hair turned blond and his eyes turned gold (chapter 516). Though this wass quickly changed upon Chu Feng's progression along the carefree realm the next chapter, where his hair returned to a dark color, and his skin became flawlessly clear.

After eating the Fruit of Reverse Aging (648), his face was well rounded and flawless, but his smile was full of beauty. His hands were smooth and strong yet rough with many scars. He has the appearance of a 14-year-old man. His eyes were large and extremely pure. Even if he adopted an evil expression, he would still look beautiful, handsome, and merely mischievous. His character was simply too much and probably many beauties would be stunned by him. His eyes were deep and fiery containing his will.

After breaking through to the Cloudeater Realm, Chu Feng would try to make himself appear older. This would simply translate to his character beginning to undergo puberty. The changes are minimal, but would increase in height. (682)

After chapter 721, Chu Feng's blood turns blue as he inherits divin blood. The reasoning behind this transformation is unclear, and Chu Feng suspects it's due to some fruit he ate or even his transformation in chapter 648.


Great to his friends and a devil his enemies.
