The Sacred Ruins Wiki

Techniques and Abilities
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Techniques/Abilities Novel Manhua Description
Robbery Induction 15 a breathing technique taught to Chu Feng by Yellow Ox that began Chu's cultivation path. Allows the user to immitate techniques from oppoents mid-battle, lending the user the unparralleled ability to learn secret techniques.
  • Origins and name revealed in chapter 468
  • Full inheritance recieved in chapter 534
Demon Ox Fist (Resonance Technique) 21 One of the 7 Great Fist Techniques
  • holds the power of resonance
Imperial Sword Technique (Spinning Technique) 139 Spiritual technique that controls flying blades
Demon Flood Dragon Fist (Spiral Technique) 218 Fist Technique
  • often combined with Demon Ox Boxing to produce a greater style
  • considered equal in strength to the Demon Ox Fist
  • Has the power of helix (like the shearing force of a drill)
Heavenly Master Demon Subduing Technique of Mount Longhu 228 Enables the use of powerful lightning strikes from arm
Xingyi 12 True Forms + Breathing Technique 250 fist technique
  • mastery form: protective bell around Chu Feng when he fights
Spiritual Grinding Stone 305 A grinding stone that purifies all energy that enters Chu's body.
  • the actual grinding stone is formed at chapter 336
Thunderous Breathing Technique 320 Legendary Buddhist Breathing Technique
  • Partially descovered in chapter 50 using the Thunderous Bow
  • considered to be the ultimate form of all breathing rhythms
    • and is said to rival the special breathing rhythm taught by Yellow Ox
Taiji Fist + Breathing Techniqe 322 Fist Technique
  • full mastery comes in chapter 338, when Chu's cultivation is restored
    • mastery ability: respective glowing white and black hands, which are used to direct energies in strike
Fiery Eyes 337 improved physical and spiritual eyesight, enabling him to see hidden or obscured things. Additionally, the eyes can release powerful beams of energy.
  • became much stronger upon the severing of Chu's 6th shackle: the eyes
Worlds Near At Hand 492 A secret technique that afforded the user astonishing speed.
Flowing Light Fist 509 A fist art that utilizes large amounts of energy, all the while increasing the user's speed explosively.
Immortal Crane Sword 509 A powerful jet of sword ki shot in the form of a crane beak
Chaotic Star Finger 509 Multicolored beams would be released from each fingertip, and according to legend, each beam could destroy a star.
  • not to be confused with the 5-colored Divine Light Finger Beam, which used soul light
Eastern Violet Qi Fist 524 A powerful fist technique from Earth
Heavenly Halberd Nine Forms 526 A halberd fighting technique
  • manual was obtained in chapter 523.
Wold Shrinking Art 620 A technique that shrinks the land in order to make travel easier, functionally similar to the World's End At Hand technique.
Divine Lightning Fist 674 A widely-known yet rarely mastered fist technique from the Yang realm. It focuses on extreme speed and the release of lightning.
  • Used to be the core fist technique of a now-extinct dynasty in the Yang realm, and so the art is still kept relatively secret.
Incomplete Phoenix breathing technique 683 A legendary breathing technique belonging to the Yang-world pheonix race. Only clan members (true pheonixes) can inherit the complete breathing technique.
  • Used as part of the Wu Lunhui disguise
Flaming Palm Fist 683 A fist technique with strong connections to the Pheonix Breathing Technique
Incomplete Thathānga Fist 683 A powerful yet incomplete Yang Realm divine technique
Cave Technique 697 Powerful technique that Chu Feng developed during his breakthrough into the Coudeater realm. It is an incredibly mysterious technique based off Chu Feng's exprience with the mysterious cave at the end of Reincarnation road. It is capable of swallowing opponents, erasing their existence.
  • actually inroduced in 697
  • improved during breakthrough into the cloudeater realm in chapter 757.
Vairocana Fist Technique 740 First referred to in the Chapter 740, when Chu Feng recalls having learnt it incompletely through Lady Xi
Diety Breathing Technique 754 Refered to in chapter 754, when Chu Feng recalls having learnt it a few days before.

He states that, though mastered, the true secrets of the technique will require more experience with it.

Netherworld Breathing Technique 754 As with the Diety Breathing technique, this technique was refered to in chapter 754, when Chu Feng recalls having learnt it a few days before.

Like with the Diety Breathing Technique, he has mastered it, but will need time to truly learn the hidden secrets of the technique.

Energy Stealing Mutant Technique 770 Once an enemy is killed, one can steal a certain substance, called a divinity granule, from their corpse to aid in cultivation.
  • originally believed to be the stealing of Life Force, but was disproved upon learning
  • Learned a better variation from the soldiers of the God of War in chapter 786
Yin-Yang Light Technique 796 A legendary Yang World Technique where on masters the use and cultivation of Yin-Yang Qi, which can be utilized for ever more impressive techniques as one masters their control over the qi.
  • Its research and cultivation can only eb started once one has acquired and processed a legendary Yin and a legendary Yang treasure.
  • It is part of the World's Rare Treasures techniques, which are possible the strongest techniques in the universe (both Yin and Yang), and who require the use of extremely rare treasures with specific attributes to begin to cultivate them.
    • Other such techniques are the Wonderful Seven treasures Technique (the strongest of them all), as well as the 5-colored Divine Light Finger Technique
Befall All Things 799 A technique to steal/summon any object from someone else
  • first mentioned in 799, though already mastered
  • scriptures were learned in chapter 795
  • through Dual-Cultivation with Ying Zhexian, who has the 5-colored Divine Light, Chu Feng can use this technique as seen in chapter 798
  • The Resonance and Spiral Fist techniques are part of 7 legendary fist techniques which are related to the 7 trasures technique
Sun God's Special Technique 815 when this technique is used in contact, it sets the opponent's divinity granules ablaze, and forcefully extracting them from the target. This technique is considered to be over the God-tier techniques in the Vicious Beast Plateau, as it can absorb 60% of an opponent's divinity granules.
  • This technique was part of a collection of 6, and the 3 that followed this technique could absorb 61%, 61%, and 62% of an opponent's divinity granules repectively.
  • Techniques which are God-tier and above are able to extract "Ancestral Daoist matter" from an opponent as well, which is both more powerful and difficullt to handle than Divinity Granules.
Disciplines Other than Cultivation
Discipline Description
Spiritual Techniques In addition to his physical abilities that he gains through evolution, Chu trains his spiritual abilities, enabling him to use a variety of skills such as the Imperial Sword Technique, probe objects and people for spiritual energies, and commit psychic attacks.

Since learning the Imperial Sword Technique, Chu Feng has been able to merge his spiritual and physical forms during cultivation, leading to a greater balance between them, and greater strength for both.

Domains Chu Feng has dedicated a large amount of time to the mastery of domains, often stating that his prodigous talent in domain creation, analysis, and memorization is even greater than his peerless talents as a cultivator.
  • Chu Feng's Fiery Eyes help immensely when it comes to his analysis and detection of domains.
  • After training in the Sagemaster's inheritance tests, he gained the ability to detect Domain Qi, and therefore gain access to the underlying mechanisms that power domains.